Boost your waste system capability and discover more best practices to implement at your facility
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Unlocking the Future of Your Facility
September 2020

Hi ,

In this issue, learn about the impact boosting waste system capability can have on the wider Australian waste industry, discover an interesting fact about EFTPOS from Mandalay, Simon shares his thoughts on data architecture and data entry best practice, we share part 2 of the best practice blog series all about data administration and we take a look at Mandalay's article about 'Unlocking the Future of Your Facility' included in August's edition of Waste Management Review. We hope you enjoy your week, and until next time...

The Mandalay Team

A Message from Rosemary
When speaking with prospective customers, there are several common challenges that they typically face. Support, access to data, compliance and reporting tend to form a majority of the discussions we are having. 

With several organisations operating multiple waste facilities, centralisation and consolidation of databases that can be accessed for up to date information, enabling reports to be generated that provide data trends on a weekly and monthly basis, is becoming paramount.

Best practice and consistency in data set up in the waste management software that aligns with facility processes also instills greater confidence in operational and state based regulatory reporting. It is also important that when a system fails, our customers know there are people available to provide troubleshooting to analyse the problem and liaise with multiple stakeholders to work towards a resolution.

Email me here or call me on 0418 480 712 to ask how we can provide assistance in overcoming these challenges.

Yours Sincerely,

Senior Executive - Commercial & Relationship, Mandalay Technologies


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Why Mandalay

Resolving challenges unique to your industry.
Our Story

The history of Mandalay and what we're all about.
Boosting Waste System Capability
Part 1: The Big Picture

Our domestic waste and recycling sector needs to be futureproofed and resourced to deliver the waste reduction and recycling outcomes expected by the community’ – COAG – Inside Waste April/May 2020

With COAG recently committing to a historic waste response strategy along with the commonwealth’s commitment to improving the quality of waste streams, many Australian councils, local government administrators and waste facilities need to start looking at what can be done at a facility level to improve the waste landscape in Australia...

Did You Know?
Best Practice Video Series with Simon
Part 1: Data Architecture & Data Entry

Following on from part 1 of the best practice blog series which was shared in our previous newsletter, in this video Simon shares his thoughts and insights on best practice for data architecture and data entry.

Waste Facility Software Best Practice
Part 2: Data Administration
There are so many things you need to think about when operating a facility, and your facility software is probably just one item on that list.

For your organisation to get the most out of your facility software, a series of best practices should be in place. This will ensure you have the solid groundwork needed to take your waste facility to new heights and improve operations through the use of our software...
Unlocking the Future of Your Facility
Mandalay Technologies in Waste Management Review
Brendon Horswell of Mandalay Technologies discusses how operators can unlock long-term investment rewards through the company’s Facility Product Suite Extension Products.

As standards around waste and resource recovery change, so do the needs of operators working in the sector.

Recognising the needs of clients is critical for Mandalay Technologies, with data analysis and client facing product development forming the basis of the company’s business model.
Upcoming Events
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More Mandalay events are on the way!

Our team is in the process of organising more webinars, forums, and other events. Keep an eye on our website for details to come.
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Mandalay Technologies, Level 2, Suite C, 225 Montague Road, West End QLD 4101, Australia

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